Team Leader Vocational Degree Programme (150 cp)
You will get tools for a better leadership and develop your own team. Also you will get to know labor legislation and the responsibilities of a supervisor/ team leader. You can choose the optional parts of the degree and focus on themes that are important to you and your work. We prepare a personal study plan with you, taking into account your previous education and work experience. We use interesting and versatile teaching methods in online teaching.
Learn more about the degree program content on StudyinfoTo whom is the training aimed at?
The qualification is targeted to those who are already working in Finland in a supervisory role (like a shift lead, team leader, manager etc.), so that the student can do the required tasks and show his/her competence in guiding others work as part of his/her daily activities.
How to study?
The studies are mainly conducted online and at your own workplace. You have an opportunity to make an apprenticeship contract with your employer. By selecting apprenticeship training, you will be trained while working, receive a salary and accrue work experience. The apprentice’s minimum working hours per week is 25 hours. You need to have a named workplace instructor from your own organisation. The estimated duration of the studies is one year, depending on previous experience and studies. The language of the studies is English. You need to have an access to a computer and wifi connection during the studies. The degree programme and apprenticeship is possible for those who work and live in Finland.
The next start of the training is:
on October 3rd 2024 at 9.00–15.00 (live in Järvenpää) or
on October 10th 2024 at 9.00–12.00 (online in Teams).
Before the start of the training a personal competence development plan (PCDP) discussion (1,5 h) will be held via Teams in September during weeks 38–39.
Does this training cost?
With an apprenticeship contract, the training is free of charge.
If you study without an apprenticeship contract, the study fee for the entire degree is EUR 400 and for the individual parts of the degree the study fee is EUR 150 per unit.
How to apply?
The application period ends on September 22nd 2024.
Fill in the application form during the application period and we will contact you in two weeks. Make sure your phone number and email are written correctly.
Application formContact information
Suominen MillaOpettaja
Järvenpää, Sibeliuksenväylä 55
Keudan HakeutumispalvelutOta yhteyttä
Keuda - Keski-Uudenmaan koulutuskuntayhtymä
Keski-Uudenmaan koulutuskuntayhtymä Keuda on yksi Suomen suurimpia nuorten ja aikuisten ammatillisen koulutuksen järjestäjiä. Keuda palvelee Järvenpäässä, Keravalla, Mäntsälässä, Nurmijärvellä, Sipoossa ja Tuusulassa. Keudassa uskotaan tekojen voimaan. Oppimalla uutta ja toteuttamalla itseämme voimme vaikuttaa siihen, miten maailma ympärillämme kehittyy. Keudassa tehdään vuosittain yli...
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